On Tuesday evening, I attended the graduation of adults learners who have completed their courses to receive a high school diploma or their GED. The graduates attended programs under the auspices of the Rosemount-AppleValley-Eagan School District’s Community Education Department. The ceremony was held at Falcon Ridge Middle School in Apple Valley and the auditorium was filled with family and friends who cheered the graduates’s achievements.
It is always inspiring to attend an Adult Basic Education graduation because the stories of some of the graduates are shared as are their future plans. Many have overcome huge obstacles to attain this goal. One woman has a husband and four children. The graduates who have children usually say they have done this for their children and they want to be good role models. One young man said he wants to work in the railroad industry, others are going to Cordon Bleu, some already have jobs, and one woman wants to be an engineer.
Tom French, who is a volunteer at the Rahncliff Learning Center gave the commencement dress. He stressed the importance of setting goals and life-long learning.