The Memorial Day observance in Eagan took place at the Tribute Plaza this afternoon. Music was provided by the Royal Brass Quintet, the Eagan Men’s Chorus, and Joe Swierczek played TAPS. Dan Seanoa moderated the event and the guest speaker was Pastor Al Pruis from Peace Church. The Eagan Police and Fire Honor Guard did the Presentation Of The Colors. Participants also inluded Police Chaplain Debbie Brown,and Eagan Council Member Gary Hansen. Wayne Olsen and his daughter, Shelcy Kamrud, presented the wreath. Dan Olsen, their son and brother, was killed in action.
Pastor Pruis commented that he had served in Viet Nam and had the opportunity to visit that country a few years back with another minister. They visited both Saigon and Hanoi. Saigon is a modern city that seems to be doing well. While in Hanoi, he had the opportunity to worship in a church and to visit a museum that commemorates the war. The museum had been used to hold prisoners during the war. He also read the poem “Flanders Field.”
This is the fourth year the cermony has been held at this site. The event is sponsored by many community organizations, businesses and volunteers.