On October 19th, I attended a screening of “Who Built Our Capitol?” at the Minnesota State Capitol. This documentary was done under the auspices of the Labor Education Service, University of Minnesota. This movie explains the background of some of the artisans and other workers who built our current State Capitol. It also has interviews with some of their family members as well as people who are currently working on the Capitol restoration.
Visit the website of this documentary here
Watch the video on Youtube
In the audience were some of the descendants of the people who were responsible for the construction of Minnesota’s current Capitol. They are extremely proud of their ancestors and rightfully so. It was also interesting to get perspectives from those who are currently involved with the restoration in progress.
It is a legacy that is a source of pride for all Minnesotans and it is our responsibility to pass on that legacy by making sure the building is maintained.
You can view the documentary at www.whobuiltourcapitol.com