I attended a marvelous ceremony today, a Naturalization Ceremony, where 49 people became citizens of the United State of America.
It took place in a white tent out in front of the State Capitol, very close to the Veterans Building. The ceremony started at 11:00 with Judge Donovan W. Frank presiding. He was very cordial and welcoming, and mindful of the importance of this oath to the applicants. He commented that America is richer because of the diversity they bring, this tradition is America’s strength.
The event included Josh Wise leading everyone in singing the Star-Spangled Banner.
Congressman Keith Ellison gave a moving speech that included a portion of the Gettysburg Address, the part that the ground was holy because of the blood that was shed on it. Our charge is to press forward for the freedom for which they paid a very high price. Congressman Ellison kept emphasizing, this is their charge now , as it is the responsibility of all citizens to ensure that we continue to fight for freedom for all.
The program included a reading of the countries represented by the applicants, thirty in all.
They then took the Oath of Naturalization.
Judge Frank gave a short address and then led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
After a video with a message from President Obama and a video of “Proud to be an American” by Lee Greenwood, a Certificate was presented to each individual.
The Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota coordinated festivities afterwards, “Citizenship Day of Welcome,” that included food, music, and games. A very special day for all!
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