I had an exceptional afternoon. I toured the 1968 exhibit at the Minnesota Historical Center and then watched the History Theatre production of 1968: The Year That Rocked the World. Both presentations did a great job of summarizing a year that had an abundance of traumatic events. The music played by the band enhanced the drama. Throughout the play was an update on the number of people being killed in Vietnam.
The controversy caused by that war is similar to the controversy facing us by the current war situation-almost fifty years later. We are engaged in another war that divides the people in our country. At least now, we are not taking our frustrations out on the returning veterans. One lesson learned from that episode. The uplifting event was the flight of Apollo 8 and the reading from Genesis by the crew members from outer space.
A highlight was a discussion period afterward with Vice-President Mondale. He said it is a lot easier to not enter a war than to get out of one. He also commented on how the wars distract from the progress and justice activities that were happening in our country at the time the wars started. An example would be President Johnson’s Great Society. We are still dealing with extreme poverty, racism and civil rights issues.
We all get to live on this Earth for a very short time. Shouldn’t we do the best we can to share this Earth and at least leave it intact for those who will follow us?