A Time To Dream

It will be a while before Minnesota lives down the shutdown and the dysfunctional behavior of our elected officials this year.  Too many of our legislators chose to concentrate on their peculiar philosophies rather than the image and the well-being  of the state.  Sometimes their comments are just plain mean and disrespectful.  They seem to  have no loyalty to their official positions or to the people of the state.

It is the people who have suffered, particularly those with limited resources.  The future of our children is being sacrificed.  The cuts to education means they probably will not be able to compete with the children in countries where education and teachers are valued.  It means higher education debts will make it difficult for them to have a chance to live lives comparable to  that of  their parents and grandparents.

Statistics show that huge incomes  are going to a very limited number of people  while the incomes of everyone else is remaining stagnant or being reduced.  Why?  We are losing the middle class and the current Republican leaders  don’t seem to care.

The use of the school shift and  tobacco money to settle the budget is irresponsible.  The state had been warned that these types of arrangements would impact the state’s rating and the warnings were ignored.  Why? Now one company has downgraded Minnesota’s rating and that means loans will be more expensive.  It is time to pay attention to the decisions being made.

It is time to think about the good of our community.   It is time to think about our the future of our children.  It is time to think about the legacy we are leaving the next generation.  Our children deserve to dream.  We need to make policies that give them that chance.

The words to an old song seem very appropriate during these challenging times.  ” Come on people, smile on your brother.  Everybody get together, try to love one another right now.”

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