Week 3 of Session 2016

It has been another very busy week.  In addition to heavy committee schedules, there have been numerous visitors. One group representing School Nutrition programs talked about the ways they are working in I.S.D. 191 schools to encourage students to eat foods that are  nutritious so they develop healthy eating habits, and this also helps them focus better in school. Howling for Wolves folks explained their concern about the changing policies dealing with wolves makes the wolves more vulnerable.  Yesterday was Muslim Day at the Capitol. My visitors shared that Muslims are found in every one of our 134 legislative districts.  The Muslim Community operates seven food shelves and three free clinics that are open to all.

Today I met with a woman who explained the harvesting of human organs in China and believes we should be actively opposing this practice.  It is a horrendous activity. She said that many Chinese students come to Minnesota to get their medical degrees, so that is one connection.  Please contact me if you would like her to provide information to you.  Books she recommended were State Organs Transplant Abuse and Bloody Harvest.

In today’s Session, we finally passed a bill that will extend benefits to the miners.  It took a long while to get to this stage because the House Republican Majority seemed to be adverse to having a clean bill.

Legislators return on Tuesday, March 29th.

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