In a letter by Chief Arvol Looking Horse, he states that they will light their fire of 20 years. He will be observing World Peace Day in Ashland, Oregon. He says “it feels as though humanity has gone too far” and “we would have to unite at our Sacred Sites once again to bring back healing. The future of our children’s health and wellbeing is dependent on our efforts. They need every person’s prayer from the Global Community.”
“We are sincerely asking prayers for the People that are spirtually disconnected who are making decisions that only last in their life time of survival for profit off Mother Earth. Mother Earth is the source of life not a resource. Many Sacred Sites have been abused and controlled by People who do not know Spirit.”
In keeping with the theme of recognizing the importance of nature, local residents tied into this observance at Schaar’s Bluff Spring Lake Park Reserve this afternoon. This site was chosen “to bring awareness to the fact that Legacy Funds were used to fragment forests and blast ancient bluffs, even though the Minnesota DNR recommended against the route because Dry Creek Bluff Prairie is on the verge of extirpation.”
Supporters of the event included: DUUC Food Freedom Radio, Interfaith Power and Light of Minnesota, Bioneers, Minnesota Pachamama Community, Alliance for Sustainability and AM950.
The concern is the damage being done to the Earth impacts us all and especially future generations. We need to question whether we are being good stewards of the gifts we have been given.
“Holy Mother Earth, the trees and all nature, are witnesses of your thoughts and deeds.”
A Winnebago wise saying found in Touch The Earth, compiled by T.C. McLuhan.