I attended the Feed My StarvingChildren Celebration of their Eagan Site Expansion this afternoon. In addition to a video about the history of the organization, the CEO, Mark Crea, commented on some of the activities that were coming up, and we had a tour of the facility. The number of meals that have been prepared by this organization is amazing. They have some mobile packs and the percentage of meals prepared by the mobile packs is projected to increase.
One staff person told us about the work being done in the Philippines. They had food on the way to the Philippines prior to the landing of the recent Typhoon Haiyan. A video showed some of the workers in a community telling the survivors that there was enough food for all and there was no need to panic.
This organization seems to do well in attacting volunteers and partnerships. The statistics show that they have an excellent record of getting the food delivered with the help of partnerships they have formed. Check out their website for more information, fmsc.org